My sanity has officially been consumed by cherries! I am one obsessed chick, and I really do think I have a few issues. Somehow, I got it in my head that "this is free food = get as much of it as you can." So every morning since last Friday, I have been outside with my big mop bucket and step ladder, picking the ripest specimens of the day. I do have to say that the hour or so that I have spent in the mornings picking away, has been a very nice time to meditate and pray; just me, God, and my cherries.
Pitting those cherries is another story! My wall above the kitchen sink is completely stained with splattered cherry juice! Phew, I am sooo sick of pits. It is totally the pits! I have officially picked, washed, de-stemmed, pitted, and stored four buckets of cherries, which is equal to about 100 cups of cherries! With these I made 27 jars of cherry jam (Canning was a first time experience for me. Thank you so much to Karen James for all her help and advice. P.S. I'm blaming you for any cases of Botulism). I also filled two quart size ZipLock bags with dried cherries, for baking purposes. And I froze 16 bags of pitted cherries for later use. I may pick a few more to give to students, but after this, I am done! And I don't feel guilty!
It is the last week of school here at Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute. My poor husband has been running around, trying to wrap up teaching, grade quizzes and homework, record grades, and hand back papers. Not to mention, he has to deal with all the sorry students who are coming to him in dismay about their grades and questions on graduation. Please pray for Paul if you think about it. He's going to need some major energy in the next few days. Maybe some cherry pie will help!
Saturday will be graduation, so all the students are bustling around about getting packed to go home, tying up loose ends, and taking pictures of friends. It's a sad, but also happy time. Tomorrow night we will go to the Al and Pam Konya's home (director of WOL Hungary) to have a mini good-bye party with the second year students and staff. It should be fun!
Paul and I will officially be starting language school after graduation, June 9th to be exact. I am so ready! I think!

The graduation was held on campus in New London, Connecticut. Mom, Dad, my sister Jane, and her husband all went out to see the big event, plus my aunt, Carol. It was a total bummer that we couldn't be there with them to celebrate this huge accomplishment, but, fortunately, through the wonder of technology, we were able to watch the ceremony live online! Vice President Dick Chaney was the key note speaker, and the director of National Defense was present as well. Pretty cool!
From what I hear, the whole weekend was pretty amazing. There were a bunch of events leading up to the graduation, such as a ball/dance, dinner cruise, and various award ceremonies. Jeff won the "Coaches Award" for basketball (I think he's their favorite). He had an awesome year, beating the school record for rebounds and most points scored. Way to go bro!