And now for the big news... starting in February, Paul Weaver, my wonderful husband, will become the acting Director of the Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute! As some of you may know, Dave James and his family will be moving back to the States in early February to begin a new ministry entitled Alliance for Biblical Inegrity. Long story short, Dave had a conversation with Jimmy DeYoung this past summer about the incredible need for churches around the country to clearly, accurately, and appropriately interpet God's word. Alliance for Biblical Integrity wants to have the most well-developed, dependable, intricate, and exhaustive website available that will help churches and Believers as they seek to accurately interpret God's Word. Eventually, Dave hopes to write some books on the subject, as well as have written programs for churches, and conferences.
Paul will be stepping into Dave's place as acting Director of the Bible Institute. They are tremendous shoes to fill, but I know that if anyone can do it, it's my dear husband! Paul has had mixed emotions about this huge transition. Of course, he is very excited and eager to get started, but he also feels incredibly humbled that God would choose him for this major role. He is nervous for the obstacles ahead, but is fully relying on the continuous grace and peace that God has given us in the past, and will continue to give us in the future.
Some of Paul's new responsibilities will include, scheduling guest lecturers to come teach at the Bible School, making the official school calendar, being the bad guy for major disciplinary circumstances, leading Bible Institute staff meetings, scheduling conference speakers, continuing to teach, and much, much more. Please, as you think of us, please pray for Paul during this transition. God has chosen him to be an incredible leader, but along with that comes much responsibility. Please pray that Paul will remain faithful and sensitive to the Holy Spirit as he strives to please the Lord in all things. Thank you for your encouragement and excitement over this big change. We are truly thankful for each and every one of you!
Amongst other busy activities, Paul and I have really been enjoying getting to know the students. We've had several "fellowships" at our home and have even had a few students for dinner. Usually there is a "fellowship" at a different staff member's home every week for the students. I think most of them come for the free food, but it's also a nice time of conversation, fun, and bonding.
Only one more week in Hungary and Paul and I will be heading back to the States for one month. Paul's older brother, Keith, will be getting married December 6th, so of course, we thought it would be nice to stay with family for the holidays. It's hard to believe that only one year ago, we were living in my Mom's basement, still raising support in the States, dreaming of the day we would finally get on the mission field. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but we are SO glad to finally be in Hungary! God has truly blessed us in amazing ways this past year. He is amazingly faithful!
It will be sooooo nice to see everyone again and be able to spend Christmas together. I am REALLY excited to give all my family members a gigantic hug... and to eat Taco Bell ...and Wendy's ... and go to WalMart! Sometimes I feel like the wimpiest missionary ever!
Please pray for us during our travels. Although the main reason for going is for Keith's wedding, we will also be speaking to many youth groups about the Bible Institute. We want to use our time in the States for the glory of God. Paul already has about six engagements with youth groups and Christian schools to speak about Word of Life Hungary. Please, please, please pray that we get several applicants from these visits. It is extremely important that these young people have a firm foundation in Christ before they head to college or a liberal university. Paul and I genuinly feel that the time spent at our Bible Institute is the most important one to two years of a young person's life.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and encouragement. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and save me some turkey!