The past few weeks have been full of excitement and encouragement here at Word of Life Hungary. We were recently blessed to have the great Jimmy DeYoung come and teach the books of
Ezekiel and
Daniel to our students. Wow! What a great couple of weeks that was! Dr. DeYoung is an amazing teacher who is passionate about Eschatology. I can definately say that he truly encouraged us in the Lord as we wait for the second coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As Dr. DeYoung led us through the prophecies and promises of these two books, he helped us realize that the return of the Lord is sooner than we think. Our understanding of biblical prophecy and End Times should spark our desire to tell everyone the Gospel. Christ died for our sins and will return again! Thanks be to God!

Paul and I had Dr. DeYoung and his lovely wife, Judy, for dinner one night last week. The men enjoyed talking theology while I got to learn a little more from Judy about their experiences in the ministry. The DeYoung's have traveled all over the world, sharing the Good News and teaching the prophetic literature of the Bible. They have met with several historical and political figures. They moved to Jerusalem in 1991 as "journalists," a.k.a. undercover missionaries. During their 12 year stay in Israel, Dr. DeYoung started a Bible preaching church in Jerusalem, named the Assembly at Jerusalem. The church has grown ever since and is a tremendous witness to the Jewish people. Actually, two members from his church have attended our school here in Hungary!
Today the DeYoungs live in Jerusalem three months out of the year. The rest of their time is spent at their home in Chatanooga, Tennessee, or traveling around the world, sharing the message of Jesus Christ. One thing is for sure, the Lord has gifted Dr. DeYoung with a passion to tell everyone about the soon return of Christ!

Not only did we get the pleasure of learning from Dr. DeYoung last week, but this week, Dr. Tom Constable from Dallas Theological Seminary is here! Dr. Constable is the Department Chair and Senior Professor of the Bible Exposition Department at the Seminary. Over their many years of service, Dr. Constable and his wife, Mary, have planted a church in Plano, Texas, ministered in 36 countries, and written and contributed to many books. Dr. Constable has also written a commentary on every single book of the Bible! But of course he is most well known for having mentored Paul through his internship process at Dallas :). This amazing man has accomplished so much, yet he is so humble. In fact, I don't think I have ever met a more humble and gracious servant of the Lord. What an amazing testimony!
The Constables brought along two other couples from their home church in Texas. During this week they will be doing so much needed work on the grounds as well as some other odd jobs. Yesterday Paul and I took the whole gang into Budapest to do some sightseeing. Above is a picture of us with Tom and Mary Constable at Hero's Square. It was a fun day of fellowship and adventure, and of course, shopping! There were four ladies around, what did you expect?!
God has truly blessed us here at Word of Life Hungary with many amazing men of faith. These teachers have devoted themselves to to the study of His Word and the proclomation of His promises. At the end of two years, our students will be able to return to their home countries to teach and preach the Lord Jesus Christ, where perhaps there are little to no Believers. Because of these faithful teachers and servants of the Lord, the Gospel is being spread to the uttermost parts of the Earth. To God be the glory!