It has been an emotional and exhausting three weeks since I last wrote. As many of you know, Paul's father, Franklin E. Weaver passed away on June 29th, after battling several health problems over the past three months. Frank was a generous and very kind man. He would do anything for his boys, and he loved the Lord dearly. He served in the army as a chaplain's assistant for 21 years, sang regularly in the church choir, and devoted himself to his family. While we are saddened that Dad will not be with us to see his future grandchildren (in the very distant future!), we are blessed to know he was a believer and is finally resting in the arms of his loving Savior.

Frank's funeral was a wonderful tribute to a loving man and to the Lord Jesus Christ. Reverened Jerry Day Sr. conducted the funeral services in which he shared the Gospel loud and clear; it was one of Frank's requests. His three sons, Paul (33), Eric (37), and Keith (35), lead the guests in a rendition of a hymn that Frank wrote called "Trusting in Him". It was truly a touching moment. Frank was laid to rest in Kokomo, IN with an honorary military 21-gun salute. I feel honored to have known Frank Weaver, and even more blessed to have married his wonderful son.

Amongst visiting Dad in the hospital and planning for his funeral, Paul and I continued to have several furloughing obligations. We have traveled far and wide to excite people about missions, and update congregations on what God is doing in Hungary (above is a picture of Paul presenting our ministry with Word of Life). We are continually encouraged as we travel to churches and meet with individuals. It is always exciting to hear that people are praying for us and are excited about God's work in Hungary. I myself have had a couple of unique opportunities to share, independently of Paul. One of these meetings involved a VBS, in which I shared with the children about missions in general and how they can be missionaries themselves. Some of the cute questions that were asked included: "What kind of animals do you have in Hungary?" "How many people have you saved" and "Are there any princesses in your castle?". My prayer is that these sweet children left that night with a greater understanding of missions and the love of Christ.

Please pray with us as we continue our summer-long furlough. We are currently in Clarks Summit, PA in the midst of a month-long road trip covering Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland, and Virginia. We have several meetings and engagements along the way, and many miles to travel. Please pray that the Lord gives us safety, endurance, and smiling faces. Maybe we will see some of you along the way!