Thursday, January 28, 2010

Following in His Footsteps

Sziasztok mindenkinek! Hello to everyone! Wow... it's shameful to see how long it's been since my last blog update! So sorry to all our faithful followers. It is safe to say that Paul and I have had many adventures since my last post; too many to share in one update, but I will do my best to fill you in!

The Bible Club has been doing very well since we started last October. We have had an average of 10-12 kids in attendence at our home every Friday afternoon. If I were to count all the different children who have come, the number would be around 20, half of which are not regular church-goers. It is always exciting to see a new little face in one of our meetings! One of our goals as leaders is to get the kids excited about studying God's Word and memorizing Scripture. It is so exciting to see the kids recite their memory verse every week and show us their quiet time/devotional journal. On the wall is a sticker chart with every child's name. Each child can earn points for the week as they learn their verses, do their quiet time, go to church, and invite friends to club. At the end of the year, there will be rewards according to the points they earn. The kids are very excited about this system, as I'm sure you can imagine! Below are some pictures from one of our clubs near Christmas time. The kids are crafting "Christmas shoes". It is Hungarian tradition where candy is left in the shoes of good little boys and girls. What fun!

Amongst other adventures, Paul and I have had the wonderful opportunity of ministering in several Hungarian churches. One of the most exciting was our trip to the largest Baptist church in Hungary, located in Debrecen. There Paul was able to preach the morning and evening service and encourage the congregation. We also got to know the senior pastor, Lajos (pictured below to the left of Paul). He is a very busy man, pastoring a large church and working full time as the librarian of the Reformed Seminary. It was good to build relations with him and be able to share our ministry with his congregation. A whole group from Word of Life came with us to promote the Bible Institute to the young people. Below are a few pictures of our trip, including the seminary and library where Lajos works.

The latest big event with Word of Life Hungary was our annual Missions Conference, held just last weekend. This year the focus was on South Korea. Did you know that other than the United States, South Korea sends out the most missionaries every year, over 1,000! Many South Koreans are leaving their home to serve the Lord everyday, but most are not adequetly trained in the Scriptures. Word of Life Korea is helping to change all that. This September, WOL Korea will open their very first Bible Institute in Asia! Construction is beginning in March, and with it comes many expenses. This year, our Missions Conference helped to raise money for one of the dormatories that will be built. During the conference we were encouraged by Chris Stout, the International Missions Director of Word of Life. He and his wife, Debbie, flew all the way from New York to share in our conference. We were challenged to dream big, and not let our insecurities and comforts keep us from serving the Lord. It was a great weekend, and much of the credit goes to my wonderful husband who coordinated the whole conference. I think he's still recovering!

As you can see, we have been busy. But God is SO SO good and we will keep pressing on to the next adventure!

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