Well, it's been another eventful, fun-filled, completely exhausting week for the Weavers! Just like always, we have been going, going, going. Last Monday, August 19th, was the first day back to language school after our nice summer break. I was so thankful to the Lord that I was ready to go back! In the beginning of the week, I was dreading it, but by the Friday before school began, I had pumped myself up mentally to get back into learning Hungarian. I do not learn very well if I am not totally and completely tuned-in to the subject being taught, so it was important that I was motivated to go back to school, or else the time could be a waste!
For the last three weeks of language school, Paul and I have decided to attend a new university all together. It is called ELTE (Please don't ask me what the acronym stands for! All I know is it is a famous Hungarian's name plus the word "egyetem" which stands for "university"). We made the decision to switch schools because our friend's wife was also attending, and she had recommended it to us. The program is thus that we attend six hours of class per day, and at the end of the school hours, we have some kind of special presentation or outing. For example, last week we took a trip to the National History Museum, and we had a guest professor come in a discuss the history of Hungary in the 20th Century. It was incredibly interesting, and that means a lot coming from me (AKA: queen of zoning-out)! This next week we will take a visit to the Opera House (I totally almost wrote "Oprah House"!), The Museum of Applied Arts, The Terror House (a museum devoted to the Holocaust in Hungary), and the same professor will return to speak about the history of Hungary from the fall of the Berlin Wall until present day. One week down, two to go!

This past Wednesday was the national holiday for Hungary which celebrates their independence. Budapest was completely packed! Paul and I headed into the city for the afternoon to check out the activities, food, and events. One of the biggest attractions for the holiday is the annual Red Bull Air Race. Professional stunt-performing pilots from all over the world compete in a race of loops, twists, turns, and obstacles, in order to receive the best time. The coolest part was that the whole show took place over the Danube River! Literally millions of people were lined up along the shore, as they watched these stunt planes complete their amazing tricks. I've provided a few pictures of the event. It was so cool to have all the ancient and beautiful Hungarian buildings in the background! Parliament is pictured at the top of my blog.

Yesterday I played "mad scientist" and attempted to propagate ivy so I can plant some in my yard this fall. I took stem cuttings from the end of the ivy growth and placed them in prepared soil. According to the Internet (and Martha Stewart) the cuttings should have rooted in 4-6 weeks, at which time I can transplant the ivy into my yard. We will see! I know you will be checking "Jill's Blog" everyday as you anxiously await the results! Until that time, thank you for your prayers and interest. We love and miss you all! Sziasztok!
P.S. Happy Anniversary Gramps and Grams! We are amazed at your commitment to eachother and to the Lord! We love you!
P.P.S. Welcome home, Dave and Karen James! You have been very much missed over the summer! We are so glad to have you back from furlough!
I have just found your blog, and I think I'll keep my eyes on it ;) It's nice to see your determination to acquire the cultural values and language of our nation. I wish you all the best in your work here.
Hey Jilly!
Grandma and I are sitting here in Pekin Illinois at the Nursing Home. They have a computer set up in the activity room! So now we can read your blog together! Great job canning... and cleaning... and organizing... I don't think you got that from my side of the family!
Love ya much! Aunt Carol and Grandma Esther :)
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