It's hard to believe that in only five days, our dining room will be filled up with neighborhood children. In five days, our entryway will be turned into a puppet stage. In five days, the children in our neighborhood may hear the Gospel for the very first time. In five days the official Tóalmási Biblia Klub begins! We are SO excited to see what God is going to do! Our plan: most of the children in our little village have not grown up in Christian homes. In fact, they may not even have one Bible available to them in their home. Our desire is to get these kids excited about God and His Word. We want to share with them all of the exciting Bible stories, miracles, and promises that we were so priveleged to grow up with in a Christian home. But most importantly, we want these children to come to faith in Jesus Christ and trust Him as their savior.
Make no bones about it - Bible clubs are effective! In fact, there is a family of 3 girls and 2 boys who used to attend a Bible club in Tóalmás about 10 years ago. They had a difficult home life, and were able to find some peace by attending the weekly club meeting. All five children were saved through the club and are now living out their Christian faith daily. In fact, two of the sisters graduated from our Bible Institute, and one sister even works for Word of Life!
Although we are entirely excited about the beginning of Club, we really need your prayers. Satan will do anything and everything to hinder God's work in these children's hearts. Please pray that the Lord is preparing these children to hear the Gospel; that they would be receptive to the message, and come to know Him. Please pray that you will give us clarity in our presentation and loving hearts towards these children. And finally, please pray that they will come back! We will be having the Club every Friday afternoon, and we want the children to bring their friends so more can come to know the Lord!

Three weeks ago we were blessed to have Dr. Carlos Pinto, from WOL Brazil, come and teach Dispensationalism to our students. I invited his wife, Artemis, to come to our home and speak to our staff ladies about the godly wisdom and knowldege she has gained from raising a family on the mission field. It was a blessed time, and I really think all our ladies left the evening encouraged in the Lord. Above are some pictures of our fellowship.
Please pray for us as we continue to balance a life of ministry and relationships. Paul is constantly having to prioritize his time for the day. There are just not enough worker bees in the hive! But God is good and He has truly blessed us with a wonderful ministry and life. Until next time... sziazstok!
Don't forget to check out my new pole for ya'll on the left side of this website!
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