After flying into Indy on Saturday morning, Paul and I headed straight to the hospital where Paul's father is receiving treatment. He has had some serious health problems for about two months now and is having a difficult time recovering. Please keep Frank Weaver in your prayers as you think of him. We then rushed down to Columbus, Indiana where my twin sister, Jane (the pregnant girl in the black dress), had her first baby shower. It was held at one of our supporting churches, so it was exciting to visit with old friends and see some familiar faces. I truly feel blessed that I could be with Jane on a very special day. She is my best friend, and I know she will make a wonderful mother. Saturday night was Jane's husband's birthday party at his favorite Mexican restaurant, which was also a great time of fun and fellowship.

We spent the night at my mother's house in Columbus and got up early on Sunday morning to pack up and head to our first ministry presentation of the summer at Fellowship Bible Church in Noblesville, Indiana. Paul shared about the Bible Institute and our ministry in Hungary. He was also given the opportunity to preach. I am always so proud of my dear husband when we make presentations at churches. He is a professional and passionate communicator (plus, he's pretty cute too!). Afterwards, we went out to lunch with the pastor and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hardison. It was a nice day, and we left very encouraged from the congregation.
There are many more churches and presentations ahead. Please pray for us as we share about God's amazing work in Hungary - pray 1) that the Lord provides supporters for our ministry and for the Bible Institute Scholarship Program 2) for safety as we travel 3) for endurance during a busy summer 4) that we can be an encouragement to people we meet.