Another school year has come and gone. This year we had the privilege of having thirty-one students from nine different countries study at our Bible Institute. It was Paul’s first full year serving as the Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute Director, and what a year it has been! There were many obstacles, discoveries, and blessings along the way, but God has proven himself faithful. It was a great year for Paul. We are convinced that the greatest years for the Bible Institute lie ahead!
On May 29th the graduating class of 2010 participated in the 15th graduation ceremony of the WOL Hungary Bible Institute. The program
was a wonderful reminder of God’s provision in the past and for the future. It was sad to see many of our students graduate and leave, but we know that God has great plans for each of their lives. Many students will go back to their home countries, sharing the Gospel to their own people, and winning souls for Christ. What an exciting ministry in which we are truly blessed!

Summer Furlough

Three days after graduation, we packed up our stuff and headed to the States for furlough. Our first stop was Word of Life International headquarters in Schroon Lake, New York. We are blessed to have participated in the annual Missionary in Training Conference held at headquarters each year. This week we are catching up with old friends and meeting new missionary candidates, who are excited to begin serving the Lord. MIT has been a week of encouragement in the Word and fellowship with dear friends. Paul was even blessed to have shared about God’s work in Hungary at one of the main meetings. Some of the key leaders throughout Word of Life's history were present at the meeting, such as George Theis, Paul Bubar, Don Lough, Kris Stout, Mike Calhoon, Dave Robertson, and various WOL directors from around the world. It was exciting to update these wonderful
men and women of faith about God's work in Hungary, and we truly feel blessed to have been in Schroon Lake this week.

Please pray with us as we begin our long summer furlough. Presently we are scheduled to visit with sixteen churches, several Bible studies, and many one-on-one meetings this summer. Please pray that the Lord gives us energy and passion as we share about our work with Word of Life Hungary. One of our main goals for this furlough is to raise scholarship funds for our Hungarian students. There are many young people who want to study at our Bible Institute, but simply do not have the financial means to do so. Please pray that the Lord places this burden on people's hearts as we share our ministry's needs this summer.
Below is our summer furlough schedule. Please take a moment to check-it-out and see if we will be in an area near you. We would love to get together and catch-up! Also, check us out on Facebook. You can find my status under "Jill Weaver" where I will be giving frequent updates on our ministry and furlough.
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